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Two people scammed me of my spikes today. They said, I´m doing a double trade vid, you trade me two spikes, accept twice, and then decline, and you keep your items. I did it, (and regretted it) and they had a force accept trade thing. I recorded it, and now it´s on the internet. In the video, I traded them, and it automatically accepted, giving me a necklace and giving them a green long and black short.

Here are pictures I took of the evildoers. They have no clue they are on a video, or that I already got my items back.

1. galexyheaddress

Not the person who scammed me, but the accomplice who I trusted who told me to do it. Is an incredible jerk if you ask her after.

Here is her trade:

Here is the first half of her animals:

Closer look at the masterpiece on her trade:

2. jaguars101: the person who has my spikes (I think) I think this person might give the spikes to galexyheaddress.

None of her animals have clothing on them, and there is nothing on trade.


Disgusted and confused,


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